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For Sale

6 Trafalgar Street,
Brighton BN1 4EQ

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1,718 Sq Ft (159.6 Sq M)

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  • Sought after North Laine location
  • Reversionary rents
  • Well maintained building
  • Two bedroom flat let on AST
  • Restaurant let with tenant holding over
  • Freehold £550,000


The property is situated in the popular and highly sought after North Laine area of Brighton and occupies a position near to Sydney Street which is one of the primary retailing thoroughfares.

The North Laine comprises a variety of independent and specialist retailers.


The property is arranged as four storey mid terrace building. There is a self-contained restaurant on the ground and lower ground floor, and a two bedroom flat over the first and second floors.


The accommodation has the following approximate Net Internal Area (NIA):

Description Sq Ft Sq M
Ground Floor 433 40.23
Basement 384 35.67

Energy Performance Rating



Interested parties should make their own planning enquiries and satisfy themselves in this regard.


6 Trafalgar Street- Rateable Value (2023): £9,700.
6A Trafalgar Street - Council Tax Band A.

Tenancy Information

The ground and lower ground floor is let and trades as a restaurant. There was a 10 year term commencing 30/8/2010 and has since expired with the tenant currently holding over. The lease is inside the Act and the tenant has indicated they wish to stay. They are currently paying £12,300 per annum.

The two bedroom flat is let by way of an AST agreement at a current rent of £1,000 per month.

Therefore, the total rent is £24,300 per annum.


Freehold for sale subject to the benefit of the existing leases with a guide price of £550,000.


Rents and prices are quoted exclusive but may be subject to VAT.

Legal Fees

Each party to bear their own legal costs incurred.

Anti-Money Laundering Regulations 2017

Due to Government legislation, we are legally obliged to undertake Anti-Money Laundering checks on prospective Purchasers / Tenants where a transaction has a capital value of €15,000 (Euro) or more or a rental value of €10,000 (Euro) per calendar month or more. This includes checking proof and source of funds. Please note that we need to obtain the relevant information and record this on file before a transaction can be contracted.

Will Thomas

01273 740398 Email

Aaron Lees

01273 740387 Email

Flude Property Consultants for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are give notice that: i) these particulars are set out in good faith and are believed to be correct but their accuracy cannot be guaranteed and they do not form any part of any contract; ii) no person in the employment of Flude Property Consultants has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property.

Please note that whilst we endeavour to confirm the prevailing approved planning use for properties we market, we can offer no guarantees in this regard. Planning information is stated to the best of our knowledge. Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries to satisfy themselves in respect of planning issues.

We advise interested parties to make their own enquiries to the local authority to verify the above and the level of business rates payable in view of possible transitional arrangements and any reliefs.