To Let
Guildbourne House,
Chatsworth Road,
Worthing BN11 1LD
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7,071 - 35,864 Sq Ft (656.9 - 3,331.77 Sq M)
- Prime town centre location
- Within a 1/2 mile of Worthing Station
- Within a 1/4 mile of the seafront
- Situated in a busy pedestrian & vehicular thoroughfare
- Excellent local amenities
- Located adjacent to the Guildbourne Shopping Centre and the High Street multi-storey car park providing 440 spaces
- Suitable for ongoing office use or alternative uses (STP)
Guildbourne House is situated within Worthing town centre, forming part of the shopping centre known as the Guildbourne Centre. The property is approximately 750 metres from Worthing Train station, which provides connections to Portsmouth, approximately 38 miles west, and Brighton, approximately 15 miles east, along with a services to London Gatwick and London Victoria.
The building itself is situated within minutes of prominent town centre areas, such as Montague Street to the south west and Chapel Road and Warwick Street to the West and South. Montague Street plays host to many of the main shops in the town, such as Marks & Spencer, Specsavers, Waterstones and Superdrug. Along with a few notable coffee shops such as Costa and Boston Tea Party. Whereas Warwick Street contains a notable number of eating and drinking establishments.
Office accommodation in Central Worthing
Energy Performance Rating
We understand the property to have an EPC rating of D(84).
A new Use Classes Order (UCO) came into effect on 1st September 2020. Under the new UCO a new Use Class E was introduced to cover commercial, business and service uses. Use Class E encompasses A1, A2, A3, B1 and some D1 and D2 uses under the former UCO. We therefore understand that the premises benefit from Class E 'Commercial Business and Service' use within the Use Classes Order 2020.
Interested parties should make their own planning enquiries and satisfy themselves in this regard.
Rateable Value (2023): £315,000
The property is available to let by way of a new full repairing and insuring lease for a term and rent to be agreed exclusive of rates, building insurance, service charge, heating, lighting, etc.
Consideration will be given to letting the whole and on a floor by floor basis.
Rents and prices are quoted exclusive but may be subject to VAT.
Legal Fees
Each party to bear their own legal costs incurred.
Flude Property Consultants for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are give notice that: i) these particulars are set out in good faith and are believed to be correct but their accuracy cannot be guaranteed and they do not form any part of any contract; ii) no person in the employment of Flude Property Consultants has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property.
Please note that whilst we endeavour to confirm the prevailing approved planning use for properties we market, we can offer no guarantees in this regard. Planning information is stated to the best of our knowledge. Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries to satisfy themselves in respect of planning issues.
We advise interested parties to make their own enquiries to the local authority to verify the above and the level of business rates payable in view of possible transitional arrangements and any reliefs.