To Let
New Brighton Road,
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Development, Industrial and Warehouse, Leisure (Class D1, D2 and Other), Offices, Retail, Food and Beverage, Retirement and Residential
500 - 87,120 Sq Ft (46.45 - 8,093.45 Sq M)
- Enquiries invited on Pre-let or Pre-sale basis.
- Located close to the A27 dual-carriageway which runs east to Chichester, Worthing and Brighton and west to Portsmouth and Southampton
- Previous consent for approx 16,000 sq ft B1/B8/D1 accomodation
- Alternative uses may be considered (STP)
- Total site area of approx 2 acres
- Adjacent to Emsworth station
- Emsworth Town Centre a short walk away
- Allocated employment site in the Havant local plan
Emsworth is in East Hampshire, close to the border with West Sussex. It is a picturesque location at the top end Chichester harbour. It is an exciting local
area with good infrastructure links, vibrant economy, strong high street, waterside living, and popular place to visit. Emsworth is a small town in Hampshire, situated close to its border with West Sussex.
It is conveniently located along the A27 south coast trunk road, and lies approximately eight miles to the east of Portsmouth and 11 miles west of Chichester. The Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is just to the south.
The site itself sits strategically between the A27 & Emsworth mainline railway station, off of the B2148 with approximately 13,400 vehicles passing the site daily (6,722 Southbound & 6,729 Northbound).
Strategic development site - All enquiries from 500 sq ft - 2 Acres
500 sq ft - 87,1200 sq ft
Previous planning consents have permitted circa 16,000 sq ft of B1/B8/D1 commercial uses however, alternative uses may be considered, subject to planning.
To be assessed
All enquiries invited on pre-let, pre-sale basis.
VAT may be applicable.
Legal Fees
Each party to bear their own legal costs incurred.
Flude Property Consultants for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are give notice that: i) these particulars are set out in good faith and are believed to be correct but their accuracy cannot be guaranteed and they do not form any part of any contract; ii) no person in the employment of Flude Property Consultants has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property.
Please note that whilst we endeavour to confirm the prevailing approved planning use for properties we market, we can offer no guarantees in this regard. Planning information is stated to the best of our knowledge. Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries to satisfy themselves in respect of planning issues.
We advise interested parties to make their own enquiries to the local authority to verify the above and the level of business rates payable in view of possible transitional arrangements and any reliefs.