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To Let

Units 3-5 & 13-14,
Chichester Business Park,
City Fields Way,
West Sussex,
PO20 2NY

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Industrial and Warehouse

8,040 - 45,090 Sq Ft (746.92 - 4,188.86 Sq M)

1 of 13
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  • B1c / B8 Uses
  • Electric Level Access Loading Doors
  • Translucent roof lights installed on each unit with roof areas also benefitting from a solar PV system providing green electricity to the development
  • The different units will benefit from a clear minimum eaves heights of a minimum of 7.3m and 10m respectively
  • Phase 1 has been built to high energy efficiency standards achieving A rated EPCs
  • Dedicated double EV charging points as well as 8 communal EV chargers
  • On-Site Car Parking Spaces
  • Ability to combine units
  • Available by way of Pre-Let opportunities - 9 to 12 months build programme


These units comprise Phase 2 of this high quality modern business park, with Phase 1 completed in Q1 2024 and tenants now in occupation of over 50% of the site.

Phase 2 consists of Units 3-5 & Units 13-14, available individually or via a combination of units. Sizes range from 8,040 sq ft up to approx 24,660 sq ft when combining. All units have planning consent for the installation of 50% mezzanines, offering immediate ability to increase floor area to occupiers.

The historic Cathedral City and County Town of West Sussex is situated on the A27 South Coast arterial road, midway between Southampton and Brighton and just 65 miles south west of London. Several national and international companies have established themselves in the Chichester district to benefit from the employment profile and lifestyle attractions of the City and surrounding area. Chichester is the home of Rolls Royce whose 600,000 sq ft worldwide headquarters and production facility is located at Goodwood.

Chichester Business Park is strategically located four miles east of Chichester with immediate access to the A27/M27 arterial South Coast route.


SIZES FROM 8,040 SQ FT TO 45,090 SQ FT


The first phase of development was completed in Q1 2024, and comprises 9 industrial/warehouse units of steel portal frame construction with metal and timber clad elevations beneath a pitched roof.

Phase two will be an identical specification albeit minimum eaves range from 7.3m to 10m, along with electric level access doors and yard depths of over 20m. Each unit will benefit from translucent roof lights and solar panels on the roof, providing green energy electricity to the development.

Externally, the units have the dedicated spaces shown in the schedule of accommodation table and there will also be generous communal car parking provision including disabled parking spaces. Each unit has at least one double EV charger and there are also 8 communal EV charging points.

The units have the follow approximate Gross Internal Areas (GIA):

Area Sq Ft Sq M Min Eaves
Unit 3 - 8,040 746.9 10.0m
Unit 4 - 8,310 772.0 10.0m
Unit 5 - 8,310 772.0 10.0m
Unit 13 - 10,215 948.9 7.3m
Unit 14 - 10,215 948.9 7.3m
Total - 45,090 4,188


B1c / B8 Uses.

Interested parties should make their own planning enquiries and satisfy themselves in this regard.


Rents and prices are quoted exclusive of, but may be subject to VAT.

Legal Fees

Each party to bear their own legal costs incurred.


The units are available by way of new effectively FR&I leases for a term to be agreed on a Pre-Let basis. Services are in place to site thus a build programme is expected to take 9-12 months.

Rent on application.

Anti-Money Laundering Regulations 2017 Due to Government legislation we are legally obliged to undertake Anti-Money Laundering checks on prospective
purchasers on transactions which involve a capital value of 15,000 euros or more. We are also required to request proof of funds.

Further information available on request.

Rateable Value / Council Tax Band

To be assesed.

Phase one rateable values are based on approximately £97psm.

Energy Performance Rating

The units will all benefit from A rated EPCs, which are available upon request.

Brandon White

01243 929141 Email